ART DIRECTOR: Zhu Sensen / Wang Xiaomeng
DESIGNER: Wu Yinuo / Liao luyu / Zhang Tao / Xu Danxin / Zhang Kaiting

YEAR: 2023

Infuture Design为咖啡品牌Pinda Coffee进行了品牌整体视觉设计升级,我们在Pinda Coffee一只侧坐熊猫图形的基础上,采用硬朗的笔触风格来重塑温和的熊猫形态,新熊猫造型力求动作明确,憨态可掬、诙谐幽默,形成PindaCoffee专有的熊猫新IP符号。新的熊猫IP符号在Pinda Coffee品牌应用的场景中,设计技术力让熊猫IP孵化出更多具象的有故事、有链接的画面,使Pinda Coffee持续演绎出一系列的品牌内容能力。在新咖啡豆包装系列,在不同的咖啡豆份量规格下,分别用一只,两只,三只,四只熊猫(依此类推)进行区分,设计出生动直接的熊猫IP包装设计画面。新的熊猫IP符号的应用,让Pinda Coffee在各种品牌使用场景下与消费者的互动性加强,使得品牌更具备亲和力,为喜爱熊猫,喜爱咖啡的朋友建立更深度的记忆链接。

The image of American coffee brand Pinda Coffee has been newly upgraded, including a new coffee bean packaging series. We convey the new packaging of Pinda Coffee centering on Panda IP. American hard style is adopted to represent Chinese mild panda form. Different coffee bean weight and specification are distinguished by one, two, three, four pandas (and so on). Ordinary coffee bean packaging is black and white, and quality coffee bean packaging is embellished with black gold. The panda image is shown as much as possible with clear action and strong interaction, humorous and charmingly naive, making the whole brand more amiable.